本帖最后由 zhixun 于 2012-1-24 18:21 编辑
时间:2012-01-22 17:21 作者: CharlesZuo
TechFrom科技源 1.22日,国外媒体提到一个经济现象,网络行为定价(online behavioral pricing),非常有现实意义。什么是网络行为定价?比如你经常在Twitter上发布和转发有关苹果Macbook的消息,苹果公司将Macbook价格定的高一些。这种定价策略如果真正用于商业,无疑将成为消费者的噩梦,同时也是商人的梦想。类似于物以稀为贵,这里的稀换成了喜欢。
当然网络行为定价(online behavioral pricing),操作的前提是有用户网络识别数据,从而最大化的榨取利润,从用户一定会购买的商品和服务中。
美国已经出现了很多通过 网络行为定价(online behavioral pricing)的商品和服务,比如纽约时报的付费版网络订阅服务,如果你是古老的黑莓手机,那么月订阅价格仅仅15美元;而如果你是苹果iPad用户,那么价格将是20美元。
该文来自TNW,作者是Allen Gannett,原文Behavioral Pricing: A consumer’s worst nightmare, a merchant’s dream,via,techfrom 仅呈现如下:
未来2012年,网络行为定价(online behavioral pricing),将是很重要的商业趋势
Charging customers the perfect price is the pinnacle of commerce and something online merchants are now in a unique situation to make a reality because of the troves of online consumer data. This year, we’ll see behavioral pricing emerge from two converging trends.
First, ecommerce merchants’ interest in pricing technology has surged in the last two years. Startups like BlackLocus, which has raised $2.5 million, have gained traction by helping merchants price their goods using competitor data. While this is just scratching the surface, the traction demonstrates the intense interest that merchants have in pricing technology.
(创业公司 BlackLocus,已经融资 250万美元,面向商人提供商业竞争对手商品数据,已经开始涉入兴趣定价技术领域)
At the same time, online marketers have dramatically increased the amount of behavioral data they have on consumers. This data comes from a complex network of web histories, demographic records, loyalty programs, and increasingly, social media profiles. In the last few years, behavioral data has matured and gained widespread acceptance and usage in online advertising.
Startups like Demdex (acquired by Adobe) allow advertisers to access “databanks” of behavioral information on users, and target advertising to them. For example, if you are selling healthy food for kids, you could target your online advertising to “moms who purchase healthy living goods.”(创业公司Demdex,已经被Adobe 公司收购,是面向广告商,提供用户的行为数据信息,以便找到目标用户等等 )
As merchants seek to expand their technology around pricing, behavioral information will quickly be adapted to build behavioral pricing. As these two trends converge, expect to see existing data companies quickly expand to do this and new companies emerge with this goal.
By piecing together your web history, social media presence, and demographics, marketers have a near complete picture of you. Do you own a house, visit home improvement websites, and tweet about DIY? Watch as online stores use behavioral pricing to extract the highest price possible from you.(通过结合用户的网络在线历史,社交媒体信息等,市场研究人员已经开始勾勒出完整的网络上的你,网民。)
As a consumer, behavioral pricing may mean occasionally lower prices, but the purpose is clear: merchants want you to buy more and pay more for it. For merchants, this is their moment. Suddenly, they will be able to offer just the right discount on a laptop to ensure you buy, but at a price that gives them the healthiest profit.(对于消费者,偶尔会出现低价格,但是最终商人的目的非常明确:想赚更多的钱。)
In a world with online behavioral pricing, you will question every price you see. The tables will have turned, and your data will be actively working against you. On the other hand, if you’re a merchant, prepare for behavioral pricing to reshape the world of ecommerce. Perfect price optimization will now be at hand. And if you’re an entrepreneur, there is now an opportunity to disrupt the $152 billion ecommerce market– by being the fabric that ties behavior data to price.
2012 will mark the end of static pricing. The use of your tweets, credit score, and web history in ecommerce pricing is frightening—but ultimately unavoidable.(上面全文结束)