时间:2012-01-28 0:45 作者: CharlesZuo
TechFrom科技源 1.28日,谷歌公司在2011年共进行了79次并购和收购,仅仅上季度Q3中Google 就花了14亿美元进行了 55次收购,2011年整年耗资1.9亿美元。其中,不包括125亿美元正在收购摩托罗拉移动。数据统计来自于Google向美国SEC提交的官方文件,10-K。
耗费6.76亿美元现金收购 ITA Software 公司,算是较大额度和规模的收购事件。
谷歌雇员增加 33%,达到 3.2467万人,去年2010年是 2.4400万名员工;去年耗资 10亿美元有48次并购和收购。
最后,谷歌刚刚发布了Q4财报 谷歌2011Q4财报:营收$105亿,利润$27亿,广告收入可达$50亿;全年营收380亿美元,没有达到预期,当时股价随后下跌。
In total, Google has acquired 102 companies with Motorola being their biggest one to date. If you recall, they paid $12.5 billion for the company.
Other big purchases include DoubleClick in 2007 ($3.1 billion), YouTube in 2006 ($1.65 billion), as well as buying a 5% stake in AOL in 2005 ($1 billion).
Of all the companies Google has bought, 74 were based in the United States, 6 in Canada, 5 in Germany, 4 in the UK, 2 in Australia, and 2 in Israel.
In 2001, they bought only two companies. In sharp contrast, last year that number peaked at 26 and this year, they have already acquired 18 different companies. That’s 44 companies in 20 months. Someone said recession?