扎克伯格还建立了响应语音指令的系统,并通过定制iOS应用控制。但这部分展示不太理想,他重复了四次指令才让系统弄明白:天黑前不要开灯。扎克伯格略显尴尬地说:“喔,这应该是它最失败的表现了!”。不过,Jarvis播放音乐的展示还算成功。扎克伯格下令:“给我们放段音乐吧!”几秒钟后,大卫·库塔(David Guetta)的《Would I Lie to You》 开始通过客厅扬声器响起来。他说了两次“把音量调高”后,系统照做无误。最后,他同样说了两次才让系统停止播放。
In the case of Jarvis, training an AI that you'll talk to at close range is also different from training a system you'll talk to from all the way across the room, like Echo. These systems are more specialized than it appears, and that implies we are further off from having general systems than it might seem.